
Sipping a cup of coffee?
Or chai?
But hey wait, you might be slightly loaded too.
Or, you can be doing nothing and looking for some good read.
I assume you are either riding high on caffeine, euphoria, or a laid-back mood (some can be high on this too).
Anyways it’s good.

So, what’s over here?
Won’t go overboard or try to sound philosophical or sophisticated.
And requesting you to not go by the name literally because you will find nothing about coffee beans, the good healthy veggie beans, kidney beans, or the magical beans used by Jack.

All you can find is thoughts brewed with the help of a good cup of coffee.
BTW I might be running high on caffeine.

So, why the name?
Thoughts can be crooked or like spilled beans and you will be served with those.
Well, some can be sane too.
But yeah……

So from where do I get you all started.

Well I guess you are high enough to decide that for yourself, right?
So slurp in….